Who We Are

We believe in growth. Munich Financial Services Consultant ’s goal is to offer strategic alignment and generate healthy growth through a mix of calculation, innovation and evolution, both as an organization and collaborative partner. Munich Financial Services Consultant Group is a leading investment company focused on supporting growth and capturing value through a multi-strategy approach. With its debt and equity financing solutions, private equity, venture capital efforts and quantitative trading strategies, the firm presents impactful and sustainable opportunities to SMEs and partners globally. Built upon a structure that fosters and enables creative talent, Munich Financial Services Consultant employs a team of innovative individuals who work collaboratively to bring forth forward-thinking data-driven solutions. An agile and flexible market player, Munich Financial Services Consultant repeatedly proves itself as a valuable partner to those seeking to grow, solve challenges and capitalize on unique opportunities.

Built To Create The Exceptional

Our unique approach and skillset are tailored to position our partners and co-investors for sustainable success

Strategic Partnerships

Collaborative by nature and committed to those we serve, Negma is here to provide a steady and secure hand in all that we do. Agile in approach and driven to uncover true value, we are a partner who never settles for the easy solution, dedicated to developing the ideal strategy for the situation and carrying out that plan with pace and precision.

The Talent Multiple

Our team is what drives our evolution. Every individual displays both pragmatism and creativity in their work, with each contributing to the knowledge base that serves as Negma’s core. We are encourage exploration and pursue executional excellence daily, and we utilize this unique interplay to constantly evolve, improve and chart new courses forward.

Built for the Future

We build strong vision, and align our strategies, funds and ventures with a perspective affixed toward the future. With a focus on long-lasting solutions and positive impact, Negma is here to give those we work with a clear pathway to profits, while always preparing for what’s next.